10 Arcadium commandments of the gym
The gym. To some, a place to accumulate your weekly amount of exercise and maintain good health and general fitness. But to others, the gym is a holy place. A way of life that they dedicate themselves too and here are their commandments that all must follow when stepping into the house of gains. Thou shall put weights back correctly “If you are big enough to pick up the weights, you are big enough to put it back”- Ancient Chinese proverb. Anyone who has entered the gym has heard this rule yet constantly weights are found missing or in the wrong place....
Strength training to complement team sports
As a football player, (the round ball, the real type) I had always prioritised cardio and kicking a ball around ahead of any other type of training. It wasn’t until I began working as a personal trainer that I began to realise the importance of strength training not only to complement my football training, but mainly to build the foundation to be able to perform to my potential on the football field. Football can be a gruelling game, especially considering how in the ‘Sunday league’ style of game that I play, it is rare that we can pull enough players together to allow...